由于挖掘过程中发现的二战未爆炸弹,从捷克一家化工厂撤离了582人。 582 people evacuated from a Czech chemical plant due to unexploded WWII bomb found during excavation.
由于挖掘工作发现一枚二战空投未爆炸炸弹,捷克共和国西北地区的Orlen Unipetrol化工厂撤离了582人。 582 people were evacuated from the Orlen Unipetrol chemical plant in the Czech Republic's Northwest region due to an unexploded WWII aerial bomb found during excavation work. 炸弹重250公斤,在8/27之前一直原地待命,而一个危机小组则决定下一步行动。 Weighing 250kg, the bomb remains in place until 8/27, while a crisis team determines the next course of action. 以前在该地区发现了类似的未爆炸弹药,导致2021年的撤离。 Similar unexploded munitions have been discovered in the area before, causing evacuations in 2021.