中国领导人承诺提振经济,但没有提供新刺激措施的具体细节。 Chinese leaders pledge to boost economy but offer no specifics on new stimulus measures.
中国领导人在北京完成了一次规划会议,誓言在加强经济方面发挥更加积极的作用。 Leaders in China wrapped up a planning meeting in Beijing, vowing to take a more active role in strengthening the economy. 然而,它们没有提供关于拟议的刺激措施的任何具体细节。 However, they did not provide any specific details about the proposed stimulus measures. 会议重点讨论了在面对当前挑战的情况下稳定经济的战略。 The meeting focused on strategies to stabilize the economy in the face of current challenges.