奥克兰警方在视频显示他们在执勤时使用脱衣舞杆后进行了调查。 Auckland police officers investigated after video shows them using a stripper pole while on duty.
新西兰奥克兰正在进行调查,因为两名警官在值班时用脱衣舞杆在录像中被抓获。 An investigation is underway in Auckland, New Zealand, after two police officers were caught on video using a stripper pole while on duty. 一名军官后来离开了部队。 One officer has since left the force. 事件发生在另一起案件之后,一名警官因佩戴黑帮补丁而遭到训斥,这两人都被视为违反警察行为条例。 The incident follows another case where an officer was reprimanded for wearing a gang patch, both seen as violations of police conduct regulations.