4 名孟买警察因病毒视频显示向一名男子种植毒品而被停职。 4 Mumbai police officers suspended over viral video showing planting drugs on a man.
四名孟买警察被停职,因为一段病毒式的闭路电视视频似乎显示他们在突袭中向一名名叫丹尼尔的男子种植毒品。 Four Mumbai police officers were suspended after a viral CCTV video appeared to show them planting drugs on a man named Daniel during a raid. 据称,来自Khar警察局反恐怖小组的警官威胁Daniel要根据毒品法陷害他,但在发现他们的行动后释放了他。 The officers, from the Khar police station's Anti-Terror Cell, allegedly threatened Daniel to frame him under drug laws but released him after realizing their actions were recorded. 这一事件引起了对警察不当行为和可能与当地建筑商勾结的关切,促使部门进行调查。 The incident has raised concerns of police misconduct and potential collusion with a local builder, prompting a departmental inquiry.