开发计划署寻求一名顾问,帮助老挝制订国家生物多样性战略和财务计划。 The UNDP seeks a consultant to help develop Laos's national biodiversity strategy and finance plan.
开发署正在老挝寻求一名生物多样性筹资顾问。 The UNDP is seeking a consultant for biodiversity finance in Laos. 咨询人将通过评估生物多样性状况、审查政策和制定财务计划,协助编制国家生物多样性战略和行动计划。 The consultant will assist in preparing the national biodiversity strategy and action plan by assessing biodiversity status, reviewing policies, and creating a financial plan. 各项任务包括举行利益攸关方会议、汇编数据和制定监测计划。 Tasks include stakeholder meetings, compiling data, and developing a monitoring plan. 申请通过联合国开发计划署的量子供应商门户进行处理. Applications are handled through the UNDP Quantum supplier portal.