开发计划署为包括尼泊尔气候融资和埃塞俄比亚REDD+信息门户在内的项目寻求投标。 UNDP seeks bids for projects including climate finance in Nepal and info portal for Ethiopia’s REDD+.
开发署正在寻求各种项目的投标,包括为尼泊尔各省开发一个气候融资机制,为埃塞俄比亚的REDD+倡议创建一个信息门户,并为尼泊尔的流域管理建立一个地理信息系统。 The UNDP is seeking bids for various projects, including developing a climate finance facility for provinces in Nepal, creating an information portal for Ethiopia's REDD+ initiative, and establishing a GIS system for watershed management in Nepal. 感兴趣的公司必须在开发计划署的量子供应商门户网站上登记,并遵守参与投标过程的具体提交准则。 Interested firms must register on the UNDP's Quantum Supplier Portal and comply with specific submission guidelines to participate in the bidding process. 详细的指示和联系信息见各自的招标文件。 Detailed instructions and contact information are available in the respective solicitation documents.