英国总理巴德诺奇(Badenoch)与工党之星在总理提问期间因移民政策而发生冲突。 UK PM Badenoch clashes with Labour's Starmer over immigration policies during Prime Minister's Questions.
在总理提问期间, Tory 领袖Kemi Badenoch批评工党领袖Keir Starmer过去对移民和支持开放边界的立场。 During Prime Minister's Questions, Tory leader Kemi Badenoch criticized Labour leader Keir Starmer for his past stances on immigration and support for open borders. Badenoch指控Starmer为罪犯辩护,并反对控制移民的措施。 Badenoch accused Starmer of defending criminals and opposing measures to control migration. Starmer为自己的记录辩护,强调他在起诉罪犯方面的作用,并批评保守党政府在其任期内移民人数众多。 Starmer defended his record, emphasizing his role in prosecuting criminals and criticizing the Conservative government for high migration levels during their tenure. 辩论突出显示了联合王国目前对移民政策的政治紧张。 The debate highlighted the ongoing political tension over immigration policies in the UK.