英国工党领袖基尔·斯塔默 (Keir Starmer) 在 BBC 采访中面临有关地方问题的严厉质询。 UK Labour leader Keir Starmer faces tough questioning on local issues during BBC interviews.
联合王国劳工领袖Keir Starmer在英国广播公司当地电台的一系列访谈中面临艰难的质问,他在访谈中受到关于政策影响和关键地方问题缺席的挑战。 UK Labour leader Keir Starmer faced tough questioning during a series of BBC local radio interviews, where he was challenged on policy impacts and his absence during key local issues. 批评者指出,他努力解决能源账单和继承税增税等具体关切问题,而是进入更广泛的议题。 Critics noted he struggled to address specific concerns like energy bills and inheritance tax hikes, instead veering into broader topics. 访谈凸显了Starmer与地区选民联系的压力。 The interviews highlight the pressure on Starmer to connect with regional voters.