3名斯普林菲尔德青少年因偷车、入室盗窃而被捕;其中1人面临更多的枪支指控。 Three Springfield teens arrested for car theft, burglary; one faces additional gun charges.
3名青少年在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德因偷车和入室盗窃被捕。 Three teenagers were arrested in Springfield, Illinois, for car theft and burglary. 警察观察到两辆偷来的汽车相互追赶,在一辆汽车中发现了一把装有子弹的枪。 Police observed two stolen cars chasing each other and found a loaded gun in one of the vehicles. 由于青少年拘留设施空间不足,只有一人被监禁;其他人在电子监控下被释放。 Due to lack of space in juvenile detention facilities, only one was incarcerated; the others were released under electronic monitoring. 这名15岁的人因非法持有武器而面临更多的指控。 The 15-year-old faces additional charges for unlawful weapon possession. 警方正在寻求关于这一事件的公共信息。 The police are seeking public information about the incident.