在卡拉马佐,在发现非法火器后,有3名十几岁的人在Kalamazoo被捕。 Three teens were arrested in Kalamazoo after a tip led to the discovery of illegal firearms.
根据 Silent Observer 计划的提示,12 月 5 日,三名 14 岁的青少年和两名 16 岁的青少年在卡拉马祖的一次交通拦截后被捕。 Three teenagers, aged 14 and two 16-year-olds, were arrested in Kalamazoo after a traffic stop on December 5, following tips from the Silent Observer program. 执法部门没收了三件非法火器,并指控青少年携带隐藏的武器。 Law enforcement seized three illegal firearms and charged the juveniles with carrying concealed weapons. 该案突出表明了社区与执法部门合作的成功,官员鼓励公众举报可疑活动。 The case highlights the success of community cooperation with law enforcement, and officials encourage the public to report suspicious activities.