一名 16 岁的少年在伊利诺伊州卡本代尔被四名少年误操作被盗枪支开枪。 A 16-year-old was shot by four juveniles mishandling a stolen gun in Carbondale, Illinois.
在伊利诺伊州卡本代尔市,一名 16 岁的少年在四名少年误操作被盗枪支后被意外枪杀并送往医院。 In Carbondale, Illinois, a 16-year-old was accidentally shot and hospitalized after a stolen gun was mishandled by four juveniles. 这名 16 岁的嫌疑人因鲁莽开枪而被捕,但在与州检察官办公室协商后被释放给他的父母。 The 16-year-old suspect was arrested for reckless discharge of a firearm but was released to his parents after consultation with the State’s Attorney’s Office. 被盗的枪支被找回。 The stolen gun was recovered. 警方正在寻求有关该事件的更多信息。 Police are seeking additional information on the incident.