德克萨斯州面临雪松热季节,花粉会导致过敏症状,在 1 月中旬达到顶峰。 Texas faces cedar fever season, causing allergy symptoms from pollen, peaking in mid-January.
得克萨斯州A&M森林服务处警告说,雪松热季节已经开始,影响到得克萨斯山区。 The Texas A&M Forest Service warns that cedar fever season has begun, affecting the Texas Hill Country. 由来自Ashe Juniper树的花粉引起, 症状如疲劳、喉咙痛、鼻梁炎在1月中旬达到高峰, 并且可以持续到情人节。 Caused by pollen from Ashe juniper trees, symptoms like fatigue, sore throat, and runny nose peak in mid-January and can last until Valentine's Day. 花粉甚至那些通常不过敏的花粉也会引起刺激,尽管建议医生咨询,但过敏药物可能有所帮助。 The pollen can irritate even those not typically allergic, and allergy medications may help, though consulting a physician is advised.