英国的花粉症季节为树木花粉从三月下旬至五月中旬,草花粉为五月中旬至七月,杂草花粉为夏季。 The UK hay fever season runs from late March to mid-May for tree pollen, mid-May to July for grass pollen, and summer for weed pollen.
英国的花粉热季节通常从 3 月下旬到 5 月中旬从树木花粉开始,影响约 25% 的人。 Hay fever season in the UK typically starts with tree pollen from late March to mid-May, affecting around 25% of people. 导致过敏最多的草花粉在五月中旬至七月之间有两个高峰。 Grass pollen, which causes the most allergies, has two peaks from mid-May to July. 杂草花粉可以随时释放,但其季节通常是在夏季。 Weed pollen can be released at any time, but its season is usually during the summer months. 症状包括流鼻涕、眼睛发痒和鼻窦炎,这些症状可以由药剂师治疗,无需看全科医生。 Symptoms include a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sinusitis, which can be treated by pharmacists without seeing a GP.