西南喷气式飞机在长滩跑道上几乎与私人飞机相撞, 国家安全局正在调查。 Southwest jet almost collides with private plane on Long Beach runway, NTSB investigating.
西南航空公司一架喷气式飞机和一架小型私人飞机在加利福尼亚州Long Beach的同一跑道上几乎相撞,这两架飞机于10月由空中交通管制员批准降落。 A Southwest Airlines jet and a small private plane nearly collided on the same runway in Long Beach, California, after both were cleared to land by an air traffic controller in October. 国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)报告说,飞机相互相距900英尺以内。 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports the planes came within 900 feet of each other. 这起事件是最近几起飞机因控制员或飞行员的错误而危险接近的事件之一。 This incident is one of several recent cases where planes have come dangerously close due to errors by controllers or pilots. NTSB正在调查并约谈了涉案人员,但在两架飞机乘出租车进入其停车区后没有再发生任何事件。 The NTSB is investigating and has interviewed those involved, but no further incidents occurred after both planes taxied to their parking areas.