美国联邦航空局正在调查洛杉矶机场发生的近乎碰撞事件, FAA investigating near-collision at LAX involving Gonzaga basketball team's plane and a Delta flight.
在洛杉矶国际机场发生一起险些相撞的事件后,正在进行调查,当时一架载有冈萨加男子篮球队的私人飞机几乎与达美航空的航班相撞。 An investigation is underway after a near-collision incident at LAX where a private jet carrying the Gonzaga men's basketball team almost collided with a Delta flight. 空中交通管制处指示Gonzaga小组的飞机在接近离开三角洲的飞机时停下来。 Air traffic control instructed the Gonzaga team's plane to stop as it approached the path of a departing Delta aircraft. 没有任何伤害, 美国航空局正在调查. No injuries were reported, and the FAA is now investigating. Gonzaga团队继续他们的日程安排,第二天参加UCLA。 The Gonzaga team continued their schedule, playing UCLA the next day. 事件凸显出美国机场近乎意外事件增加。 The incident highlights a rise in near-miss events at U.S. airports.