6 月 25 日,西南航空的波音 737 客机从缅因州一条封闭的跑道上起飞,引发美国国家运输安全委员会和美国联邦航空管理局的调查。 Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 took off from a closed runway in Maine on June 25, leading to an NTSB/FAA investigation.
6 月 25 日,一架西南航空的波音 737 飞机从缅因州波特兰国际喷气机场一条已关闭的跑道上起飞,距离原定通航时间仅剩两分钟。 A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 took off from a closed runway at Portland International Jetport in Maine on June 25, just two minutes before it was scheduled to open for traffic. 当时跑道正在进行安全检查,有一辆地面车辆在场。 The runway was undergoing a safety inspection at the time, with a ground vehicle present. 美国国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)和联邦航空管理局(FAA)目前正在调查此事。 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are currently investigating the incident. 这是西南航空一系列令人担忧的事件中的最新一起,其中包括 5 月份 737 Max 航班的异常滚转。 This is the latest in a series of concerning incidents involving Southwest Airlines, including an unusual rolling movement on a 737 Max flight in May.