爱丁堡警方感谢公众协助调查营火夜乱;32人被捕,79人被控罪名。 Police in Edinburgh thank public for help in investigating Bonfire Night disorder; 32 arrested, 79 charges made.
Edinburgh警方感谢民众协助调查11月5日营火夜庆祝活动期间的混乱事件。 Police in Edinburgh have thanked the public for their assistance in the investigation of disorder during Bonfire Night celebrations on November 5th. 迄今为止,该市已逮捕32人,对他们提出了79项指控,苏格兰各地与骚乱有关的逮捕总人数为43人。 So far, 32 people have been arrested in the city with 79 charges brought against them, and the total number of arrests across Scotland related to the disorder is 43. 警方正在继续寻求信息,以查明所有涉案人员,并敦促有相关证据的任何人站出来。 Police are continuing to seek information to identify all those involved and urge anyone with relevant evidence to come forward.