菲律宾于12月26日推出可再生能源市场, 以增加清洁能源的使用。 The Philippines launches its Renewable Energy Market on December 26 to boost clean energy use.
菲律宾能源部宣布,可再生能源市场从12月26日起全面商业运作。 The Philippine Department of Energy announced the full commercial operation of the Renewable Energy Market (REM) starting December 26. REM允许可再生能源证书交易,以帮助公用事业和合作社达到可再生能源标准。 The REM allows trading of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to help utilities and cooperatives meet renewable energy standards. 截至11月26日,90%的预期参与者已登记。 As of November 26, 90% of expected participants have registered. 市场的目标是到2030年将该国可再生能源份额提高到35%。 The market aims to boost the country's renewable energy share to 35% by 2030.