菲律宾恢复可再生能源项目申请,以促进绿色能源投资。 Philippines resumes renewable energy project applications to boost green energy investment.
菲律宾能源部将从 11 月 25 日开始恢复通过 EVOSS 系统接受可再生能源 (RE) 合同申请。 The Department of Energy in the Philippines will resume accepting renewable energy (RE) contract applications via the EVOSS system starting November 25th. 五个月暂停允许更新申请流程和改进系统。 The five-month pause allowed for updates to the application process and improvements to the system. 开发商现在可以在签署可再生能源合同之前申请授权证书,从而简化项目审批并鼓励对可再生能源的投资。 Developers can now apply for certificates of authority before signing RE contracts, streamlining project approvals and encouraging investment in renewable energy. 此举支持该国到 2030 年将可再生能源在电力结构中的份额提高到 35% 和 2040 年提高到 50% 的目标。 This move supports the country's goal to increase the share of renewable energy in the power mix to 35% by 2030 and 50% by 2040.