当地消防局为新的UTV揭幕,以协助草地消防和社区安全。 Local fire department unveils new UTV to aid in grassland fire response and community safety.
布坎南消防救援部门推出了一辆新的紧急公用地形车 (UTV), The Buchanan Fire & Rescue Department unveiled a new emergency utility terrain vehicle (UTV), funded by a grant from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. UTV将协助防治草地火灾,支持预防烧伤,并加强公园、森林和社区活动的安全。 The UTV will aid in fighting grassland fires, support preventative burns, and enhance safety at parks, forests, and community events. 揭幕活动包括消防队分队的招待、消防车巡视、儿童消防头盔。 The unveiling event included treats from Firehouse Subs, fire truck tours, and fire helmets for children.