Duddon Estuary地区的一支搜救队购置了一辆先进的CF Moto UFORCE 600型新车,以加强其行动。 A search and rescue team in the Duddon Estuary area acquired a new, advanced CF Moto UFORCE 600 vehicle to enhance their operations.
Duddon Estuary地区一个志愿搜救队已购置了一辆新的CF Moto UFORCE 600型汽车。 A volunteer search and rescue team in the Duddon Estuary area has acquired a new CF Moto UFORCE 600 vehicle. 这辆地形车辆比普通的四轮自行车更有能力,可以运载更多设备,并容纳三名机组人员。 This terrain vehicle offers better capabilities than a regular quad bike, allowing it to carry more equipment and accommodate three crew members. 这笔超过12 000英镑的购买是通过部分交换一辆旧的四轮自行车和捐款而得以实现的。 The purchase, over £12,000, was made possible through a part-exchange of an old quad bike and donations. 该小组成立于1969年,在危险地区运作,依靠公共资金支持。 The team, founded in 1969, operates in a dangerous area and relies on public support for funding.