日本大公司在2022年问题3中的商业情绪有所改善,但2025年的前景好坏参半。 Large Japanese firms saw business sentiment improve in Q3 2022, but 2025 outlook is mixed.
日本大公司的商业情绪在2022年第三季度有所改善,商业敏感指数(BSI)加5.7,受到半导体需求和数字转型的推动。 Large Japanese corporations saw their business sentiment improve in the third quarter of 2022, with a Business Sentiment Index (BSI) of plus 5.7, boosted by semiconductor demand and digital transformation. 制造业和非制造业部门都呈现出积极增长,由于旅行活动增加,服务业尤其强劲。 Manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors both showed positive growth, with services particularly strong due to rising travel activity. 预计2024财政年度的资本投资将同比增加10.3%。 Capital investment for fiscal year 2024 is projected to rise 10.3% year-on-year. 然而,路透社最近的报告显示,制造业情绪下降,非制造业情绪有所改善,表明2025年的经济前景喜忧参半。 However, recent Reuters reports indicate a decline in manufacturing sentiment, while non-manufacturing sentiment has improved, suggesting a mixed economic outlook for 2025.