韩国五月份商业信心有所改善。 South Korea's business sentiment improved in May.
韩国银行称,韩国 5 月份商业信心连续第三个月改善,商业调查指数 (BSI) 从 4 月份的 71 升至 73。 South Korea's business sentiment improved for the third straight month in May, with the Business Survey Index (BSI) rising from 71 in April to 73, according to the Bank of Korea. 由于挥之不去的经济不确定性,BSI 仍低于长期平均值 77。 The BSI remains below its long-term average of 77 due to lingering economic uncertainties. 5月份经济景气指数(ESI)下降0.7点至93.8,该指数同时考虑了企业和消费者的信心。 The Economic Sentiment Index (ESI) declined 0.7 points to 93.8 in May, considering both business and consumer sentiment.