科罗拉多斯普林斯发生火灾 John Vonritter因纵火被捕受伤 Fire breaks out at Colorado Springs address; injured John Vonritter arrested for arson.
12月10日, 科罗拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)的400处Arrawanna街发生火灾, On December 10th, a fire broke out at 400 Arrawanna Street in Colorado Springs, affecting a semi-truck and nearby structures. John Vonritter在现场受伤后被送往医院,后来因纵火罪被捕。 John Vonritter, found injured at the scene, was taken to a hospital and later arrested on arson charges. 第二个人也在场,但他们的状况和参与情况不明。 A second individual was also present but their condition and involvement are unclear. 火灾被科罗拉多泉消防局扑灭。 The fire was extinguished by the Colorado Springs Fire Department.