财务顾问努力应对经济变革,需要更好的工具,因为《公平竞争法》计划向养老金领取者提供支助。 Financial advisers struggle with economic changes, needing better tools as the FCA plans support for pensioners.
财务顾问在经济和监管变革中,在维持业务复原力方面正面临挑战。 Financial advisers are facing challenges in maintaining operational resilience amid economic and regulatory changes. 金融监管局计划就为养老金储蓄者提供有针对性的支持进行咨询,并改善养老金决策. The FCA plans to consult on targeted support for pension savers and improve retirement decision-making. 对财富顾问的一项调查表明,需要更好的培训和工具,以整合保护产品。 A survey of wealth advisers indicates that better training and tools are needed for integrating protection products. 劳动政府的税收变化也促使顾问调整其战略。 Tax changes by the Labour government have also prompted advisers to adapt their strategies.