八岁的男孩在不列颠哥伦比亚省冰河高速公路上 雪花和SUV之间坠毁时丧生 Eight-year-old boy killed in crash between snowplow and SUV on icy highway in British Columbia.
12月7日上午8点左右, 一名来自Nelson的8岁男孩在不列颠哥伦比亚Castlegar附近的3号公路上遭遇雪花和Kia SUV撞车, An eight-year-old boy from Nelson was killed when a snowplow and a Kia SUV collided on Highway 3 near Castlegar, British Columbia, on December 7, around 8 a.m. 坠机发生于寒冷、寒冷、寒冷、寒冷的雨中。 The crash occurred in cold, icy conditions with freezing rain. 该男孩的5岁哥哥和44岁的继父受轻伤。 The boy's five-year-old brother and 44-year-old stepfather sustained minor injuries. 一名57岁的行人停下来帮助另一辆车,遭到SUV的撞击,并受重伤。 A 57-year-old pedestrian, who had stopped to help another vehicle, was struck by the SUV and suffered life-altering injuries. 这位65岁的雪犁司机没有受伤。 The 65-year-old snowplow driver was unharmed. 警方正在寻找目击证人和破摄像头录像,协助调查。 Police are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage to aid their investigation.