密尔沃基男子在丰迪拉克县缉毒行动中被捕。 Milwaukee man arrested in Fond du Lac County drug bust.
1 月 23 日,一名来自密尔沃基的 47 岁男子在丰迪拉克县因持有可卡因、摇头丸和大麻而意图运送毒品而被捕。 On January 23rd, a 47-year-old man from Milwaukee was arrested in Fond du Lac County for the possession with intent to deliver cocaine, designer drugs known as ecstasy, and marijuana, following a drug bust. 一名警员拦住了嫌疑人在中心线左侧行驶的车辆,并在众目睽睽之下发现了一袋强效可卡因,随后逮捕了他。 The arrest occurred after a deputy stopped the suspect's vehicle for operating left of the centerline, discovering a bag of crack cocaine in plain sight. 随后的搜查发现车内还有其他非法物品,包括 12 颗摇头丸和一个装有 12 包强效可卡因的袋子。 A subsequent search revealed additional illegal substances in the vehicle, including 12 ecstasy pills and a bag containing 12 bindles of crack cocaine. 嫌疑人过去曾因持有并意图运送可卡因而被捕三次。 The suspect has been arrested three times in the past for possession with intent to deliver cocaine.