中国复兴了历史小巷,将现代生活设施与遗产相结合,每天在重庆吸引数千人。 China revives historic alleyways, blending modern amenities with heritage, attracting thousands daily in Chongqing.
中国的城市改造项目正在振兴历史街道, 如重庆的山地城巷, 保护他们的遗产, China's urban renewal projects are revitalizing historical streets, like Mountain City Alley in Chongqing, by preserving their heritage while integrating modern amenities. 翻新后,小巷现在每天吸引约20 000名游客,提供历史魅力和当代活动。 After renovation, the alley now attracts around 20,000 visitors daily, offering a mix of historic charm and contemporary activities. 其他城市的类似转型旨在提高城市的居住能力和复原力。 Similar transformations in other cities aim to enhance urban livability and resilience.