Tulsa学校董事会处理多语言学生的高缺勤率和各种熟练程度问题。 Tulsa schools board addresses high absenteeism and varied proficiency rates among multilingual students.
Tulsa公立学校教育委员会于12月9日开会, 讨论学生结果, 并讨论中学缺勤问题, The Tulsa Public Schools Board of Education met on December 9 to discuss student outcomes and address issues like middle school absenteeism, which stands at 44%. 他们赞同图尔萨地区商会的立法议程,以支持有利于教育的政策。 They endorsed the Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce's legislative agenda to support education-friendly policies. 多语种学生的熟练程度在小学下降了1.6%,而在中学则增长了4.7%。 Proficiency among multilingual students decreased by 1.6% in elementary schools but increased by 4.7% in middle schools. 董事会的下次会议是1月13日 The board's next meeting is on January 13.