韩国的电报下载量在戒严令恐惧中激增, 超过当地应用程序。 Telegram downloads spiked in South Korea amid martial law fears, overtaking local apps.
韩国总统尹锡悦宣布戒严后,Telegram 的下载量激增,引发了对媒体审查的担忧。 Telegram downloads surged in South Korea after President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law, sparking fears of media censorship. 该应用程序在12月6日看到超过40 000个新设施,比前一天增加了四倍多。 The app saw over 40,000 new installations on December 6th, a more than fourfold increase from the previous day. 由于担心可能会被关闭或受到审查, Telegram 成为国内最多人下载的移动通讯工具. Telegram became the most downloaded mobile messenger in the country as users sought an alternative to domestic apps like KakaoTalk amid concerns of potential shutdowns or censorship.