韩国警方调查Telegram在性犯罪大肆传播中的潜在作用。 South Korean police investigate Telegram's potential role in deepfake sex crime distribution.
韩国警方已着手调查Telegram在传播性露骨的深层内容方面可能发挥的作用。 South Korean police have launched an investigation into Telegram for its potential role in the distribution of sexually explicit deepfake content. 当局正在审查该平台是否为这些罪行提供了便利,特别是关于在聊天室发现的南朝鲜妇女的深层假象和录像。 Authorities are examining whether the platform has facilitated these crimes, particularly concerning deepfake images and videos of South Korean women found in chatrooms. Telegram 声称会积极审核有害内容,但在该国报告的深度伪造性犯罪显着增加的情况下,人们的担忧仍然存在。 Telegram has claimed to actively moderate harmful content, but concerns persist amid a significant rise in reported deepfake sex crimes in the country.