最高法院允许波士顿对精英高中实行大流行招生政策,拒绝家长挑战。 Supreme Court lets stand Boston's pandemic admissions policy for elite high schools, rejecting parents' challenge.
最高法院拒绝审查一起质疑波士顿三所精英高中临时招生政策的案件,这三所高中使用拉链码和GPA,而不是在大流行病期间进行入学考试。 The Supreme Court has declined to review a case challenging Boston's temporary admissions policy for three elite high schools, which used zip codes and GPAs instead of entrance exams during the pandemic. 家长联盟声称这项政策对白人和亚裔学生不利,但他们的上诉被驳回。 The coalition of parents, who claimed the policy disadvantaged white and Asian students, saw their appeal dismissed. Alito法官和Thomas法官表示异议,认为该政策相当于不符合宪法的种族平衡。 Justices Alito and Thomas dissented, arguing the policy amounts to unconstitutional racial balancing.