最高法院审查马里兰州关于宗教反对男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者(LGBTQ)为主题的学校书籍的案件。 Supreme Court to review Maryland case on religious objections to LGBTQ-themed school books.
最高法院将审查马里兰州父母声称其宗教权利因一项政策而受到侵犯的案件,这项政策阻止他们选择子女在小学LGBTQ主题故事书中不上课。 The Supreme Court will review a case where Maryland parents argue their religious rights were violated due to a policy that prevents them from opting their children out of lessons involving LGBTQ-themed storybooks in elementary school. 学校董事会最初允许选择退学,但后来取消了这一选择。 The school board initially allowed opt-outs but later removed this option. 案件可以确定公立学校是否必须接受对某些教材的宗教异议。 The case could determine if public schools must accommodate religious objections to certain curriculum materials.