开罗六层楼倒塌造成8人死亡,3人受伤,引发邻近房屋疏散。 Six-story building collapse in Cairo kills 8, injures 3, triggers neighboring house evacuations.
8人死亡,3人受伤。 星期二在开罗的Waili街区,一栋六层楼倒塌。 Eight people were killed and three were injured when a six-story building collapsed in Cairo's Waili neighborhood on Tuesday. 该建筑建于1960年代,促使开罗州长下令疏散邻近房屋,作为预防措施。 The building, constructed in the 1960s, prompted Cairo's governor to order the evacuation of neighboring houses as a precautionary measure. 倒塌的原因不明,调查正在进行中。 The cause of the collapse is unknown, and an investigation is underway. 在埃及,由于建筑不良和缺乏维修,特别是在棚户区和贫困地区,建筑物经常倒塌。 Building collapses are frequent in Egypt due to poor construction and lack of maintenance, especially in shantytowns and poorer areas. 尽管政府努力打击非法建筑和建设新城市,但仍有许多未经许可的建筑。 Despite government efforts to combat illegal construction and build new cities, many unlicensed buildings remain.