季节性变化影响道德价值观,特别是“约束性”价值观,春季和秋季比夏季和冬季更严重。 Seasonal changes influence moral values, particularly "binding" ones, more in spring and autumn than in summer and winter.
最近的一项研究表明,季节性变化影响道德价值观,特别是忠诚和权威等“约束性”价值观。 A recent study indicates that seasonal changes influence moral values, particularly "binding" values like loyalty and authority. 在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚,这些价值在春季和秋季得到更多的认可,在夏季和冬季得到的认可较少。 These values are endorsed more in spring and autumn, and less in summer and winter, across the U.S., Canada, and Australia. 调查结果表明,这种模式可能与所察觉的鼓励群体凝聚力的威胁有关。 The findings suggest this pattern may relate to perceived threats that encourage group cohesion. 这项研究强调对社会动态的潜在影响,在春季和秋季改善危机管理。 The study highlights potential impacts on social dynamics, with better crisis management in spring and autumn.