2020年美国接近选举的婚礼建议限制政治讨论。 2020 U.S. election-approaching weddings advise limiting political discussions.
随着美国选举的临近,婚礼规划者和专家提出了减少婚礼政治紧张的战略建议。 As the U.S. election approaches, wedding planners and experts recommend strategies to reduce political tensions at weddings. 双方应该通过邀请和标志鼓励客人“离开政治大门”, 仔细规划座位安排, 并任命指定的维和人员来引导对话远离政治。 Couples should encourage guests to "leave politics at the door" through invitations and signage, carefully plan seating arrangements, and appoint designated peacekeepers to steer conversations away from politics. 参与活动和娱乐客人也可以帮助维持一种欢乐的气氛,使每个人都能专注于爱而不是政治分歧。 Engaging activities and entertaining guests can also help maintain a joyful atmosphere, allowing everyone to focus on love rather than political differences.