Jamie Raskin竞选司法委员会主席,反对可能出现的特朗普复兴。 Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin runs for Judiciary Committee chair to oppose potential Trump revival.
Rep. 马里兰州的Jamie Raskin宣布竞选众议院司法委员会最高民主党职位,以对抗可能担任第二任特朗普总统和共和党多数的候选人。 Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland announced his run for the top Democratic position on the House Judiciary Committee, aiming to counter a potential second Trump presidency and a Republican majority. Raskin是一位宪法法律专家,希望使该委员会成为一个反对专制主义和捍卫宪法原则的中心。 Raskin, a constitutional law expert, hopes to make the committee a hub for opposing authoritarianism and defending constitutional principles. 他将挑战Rep. Jerry Nadler, 由于党的年资制度,比赛结果不确定。 He will challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler, with the race's outcome uncertain due to the party's seniority system.