12 月 9 日,德里 40 多所学校收到了恶作剧炸弹威胁,促使疏散和警方搜查。 Over 40 Delhi schools received hoax bomb threats on December 9, prompting evacuations and police searches.
12 月 9 日,德里的 40 多所学校收到了炸弹威胁电子邮件,要求支付 30,000 美元的赎金。 Over 40 schools in Delhi received bomb threats via email on December 9, demanding a $30,000 ransom. 作为预防措施,学校疏散了学生。 Schools evacuated students as a precautionary measure. 包括警察和炸弹处理小组在内的当局进行了搜查,但没有发现可疑物品。 Authorities, including police and bomb disposal squads, conducted searches but found no suspicious objects. 这起事件是在印度发生一系列类似的恶作剧威胁之后发生的,包括针对学校和机场的威胁。 This incident follows a series of similar hoax threats in India, including those targeting schools and airports. Aam Aadmi 党批评中央政府未能确保德里的安全。 The Aam Aadmi Party has criticized the central government for failing to ensure safety in Delhi.