德里学校通过电子邮件面临炸弹威胁;所有学校均被确认为骗局,迫使混合学习转变。 Delhi schools face bomb threats via email; all confirmed as hoaxes, forcing hybrid learning shift.
德里的几所学校在星期二通过电子邮件收到炸弹威胁,这是上星期一系列事件的最新一次。 Several schools in Delhi received bomb threats via email on Tuesday, marking the latest in a series of incidents over the past week. 这是在12月9日周一有20所学校和44所学校受到类似威胁之后发生的。 This comes after similar threats affected 20 schools on Monday and 44 schools on December 9th. 所有威胁都被视为骗局,没有发现任何可疑物品。 All threats were deemed hoaxes with no suspicious items found. 这些事件促使学校转而采用混合学习模式。 The incidents have prompted schools to shift to hybrid learning modes. 德里警方已登记了FIR,并正在调查电子邮件的来源,这些电子邮件来自同一电子邮件地址。 The Delhi Police have registered an FIR and are investigating the source of the emails, which are sent from the same email address.