印度泰米尔纳德邦的私立学校因炸弹威胁电子邮件暂时关闭。 Private school in Tamil Nadu, India temporarily closed due to bomb threat email.
印度泰米尔纳德邦的私立学校在8月29日收到电子邮件炸弹威胁后暂时关闭。 Private school in Tamil Nadu, India temporarily closed after receiving an email bomb threat on August 29th. 学校行政部门提醒警察和一个炸弹探测小组,他们进行了彻底检查。 The school administration alerted the police and a bomb detection squad, which conducted a thorough inspection. 未发现可疑物品,案件正在调查之中。 No suspicious items were found, and the case is under investigation. 这一事件是一系列针对印度各机构的恶作剧炸弹威胁的一部分。 This incident is part of a series of hoax bomb threats targeting various institutions in India.