经合组织的调查显示,大多数国家的成人识字和算术技能在下降或停滞。 OECD survey shows most countries see decline or stagnation in adult literacy and numeracy skills.
经合组织的最新调查显示,在过去十年里,大多数经合组织国家成人识字和算术技能下降或停滞。 The OECD's latest survey reveals a decline or stagnation in adult literacy and numeracy skills across most OECD countries over the past decade. 芬兰和丹麦属于例外,有显著改善。 Finland and Denmark are exceptions, showing significant improvements. 这项调查包括来自31个国家的160 000名16至65岁的成年人,调查发现,由于10%表现最低的人口减少了,技能差距扩大了。 The survey, which included 160,000 adults aged 16-65 from 31 countries, found that skills gaps have widened due to declines among the lowest-performing 10% of the population. 芬兰在识字、算术和解决问题技能方面排名最高,新加坡提高了算术分数,但35岁以上人口的识字率有所下降。 Finland topped rankings in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills, while Singapore improved numeracy scores but saw a decline in literacy for those over 35. 报告呼吁增加对技能开发的投资,以创建更具复原力和包容性的劳动力队伍。 The report calls for increased investment in skills development to create a more resilient and inclusive workforce.