在受保护的刚果野生生物保护区采矿危害环境,尽管公司有法律索赔。 Mining in a protected Congo wildlife reserve harms environment, despite company's legal claims.
Kimia Mining在教科文组织在刚果民主共和国受保护的Okapi野生生物保护区进行的中国采矿作业正在对环境造成重大破坏,包括砍伐森林和污染。 Chinese mining operations by Kimia Mining in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, a protected UNESCO site in the Democratic Republic of Congo, are causing significant environmental damage, including deforestation and pollution. 虽然在保护区禁止采矿,但公司声称在2048年之前以许可证合法经营。 Though mining is prohibited in protected areas, the company claims it operates legally with permits until 2048. 这个保留地是Kokapi等濒危物种的栖息地, 面临来自采矿活动的威胁, The reserve, home to endangered species like the okapi, faces threats from mining activities, which locals and conservationists say are harming the ecosystem. 政府内部备忘录建议 储备库中的所有公司都会关闭 但没有设定时间表 An internal government memo suggests all companies in the reserve will be shut down, but no timeline is set.