美国支持科尔韦齐的铁路项目, 以挑战中国对刚果重要矿物的控制。 U.S. backs railway project in Kolwezi to challenge China's control over Congo's critical minerals.
Kolwezi是刚果民主共和国的一个城市,是美国-中国对铜和钴等关键矿物的竞争的焦点。 Kolwezi, a city in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a focal point in the U.S.-China competition over critical minerals like copper and cobalt. 美国正在支持洛比托走廊,这是一个大规模的铁路项目,旨在对抗中国在非洲采矿业的支配地位。 The U.S. is supporting the Lobito Corridor, a massive railway project, to counter China's dominant position in Africa's mining industry. 尽管如此,中国仍然处于控制之中,拥有刚果80%的铜矿。 Despite this, China remains in control, owning over 80% of Congo's copper mines. 该项目旨在使安哥拉、刚果和赞比亚受益,但当地刚果人的经济利益仍然有限。 The project aims to benefit Angola, Congo, and Zambia, but the economic benefits for local Congolese remain limited.