绿色和平组织要求法庭调查石油管道支持者的邮递员, Greenpeace asks court to investigate oil pipeline supporter's mailer amid ongoing legal battle.
" 绿色和平 " 环境团体寻求法院许可,以调查其认为在陪审团与Dakota Access Pipeline(DAPL)开发商能源传输公司的法律斗争中可能对陪审团产生偏见的亲油燃料邮件。 Environmental group Greenpeace seeks court permission to investigate a pro-fossil fuel mailer it believes could bias the jury in its legal battle with Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) developer Energy Transfer. 文章名为「中央ND新闻」, 突显能源转移的积极报导, 同时也批评反DAPL抗议者。 The mailer, titled "Central ND News," highlights positive coverage of Energy Transfer while criticizing anti-DAPL protesters. 绿色和平运动支持Pand Rock Sioux部落反对输油管线。 Greenpeace supports the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's opposition to the pipeline. 能源转移组织已对绿色和平组织提起诉讼,指控其在抗议期间的犯罪行为和诽谤。 Energy Transfer has filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace, accusing it of criminal behavior and defamation during the protests. 该案定于2月审判。 The case is set for trial in February.