西藏流亡者重申在诺贝尔和平奖周年纪念日追求和平自治。 Exiled Tibetans reaffirm pursuit of peaceful autonomy on Nobel Peace Prize anniversary.
中藏行政当局重申致力于寻求通过中途途径和平解决西藏-中国冲突,以实现西藏人真正的自治。 The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) reaffirmed its commitment to seeking a peaceful resolution to the Tibet-China conflict through a middle-way approach, aiming for genuine autonomy for Tibetans. 在获得诺贝尔和平奖的达赖喇嘛35周年之际,协会批评中国压制西藏的愿望和特性。 On the 35th anniversary of the Dalai Lama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, the CTA criticized China's suppression of Tibetan aspirations and identity. 流亡的西藏社区继续在自由国家推广西藏文化和语言。 The exiled Tibetan community continues to promote Tibetan culture and language in free countries.