萨尔瓦多总统计划解除对金矿开采的禁令, El Salvador's president plans to lift a ban on gold mining, citing economic benefits, but facing environmental concerns.
萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele计划取消该国七年来对金矿开采的禁令, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele plans to lift the country's seven-year-old ban on gold mining, citing potential economic benefits. 该禁令最初于2017年实施,原因是对氰化物和采矿中使用的汞带来的环境和健康风险感到关切。 The ban was initially put in place in 2017 due to concerns over the environmental and health risks associated with cyanide and mercury used in mining. Bukele认为,开采该国一小部分黄金矿藏可产生1 310亿美元,相当于国内生产总值的380%。 Bukele argues that mining a small portion of the country's gold deposits could yield $131 billion, equivalent to 380% of GDP. 然而,该提案遇到了环保人士和当地人对水供应和环境受到的影响感到担忧的反弹。 However, the proposal has faced backlash from environmentalists and locals worried about the impacts on water supplies and the environment.