澳大利亚多达40%的野火是故意点燃的,但应急计划中缺乏预防战略。 Up to 40% of bushfires in Australia are deliberately lit, yet prevention strategies are lacking in emergency plans.
澳大利亚部分地区多达40%的野火是故意点燃的,但应急计划显然没有制定预防战略。 Up to 40% of bushfires in parts of Australia are deliberately lit, yet prevention strategies are notably absent from emergency plans. 在植被稠密的城市地区常见的故意放火可能导致严重后果。 Deliberately set fires, common in urban areas with dense vegetation, can lead to severe consequences. 尽管已知的风险,例如纵火者对火灾的迷恋和社会孤立,但关于防止纵火和有效的社区战略的研究有限。 Despite known risks like fascination with fire and social isolation among those who set fires, there's limited research on preventing arson and effective community strategies.