Kangaroo Valley社区受到2019-2020年野火的打击,重建并保持复原力。 Kangaroo Valley community, hit by 2019-2020 bushfires, rebuilds and remains resilient.
在黑色夏季丛林大火摧毁新南威尔士州袋鼠谷五年后,该社区表现出非凡的韧性。 Five years after the Black Summer bushfires devastated Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, the community has shown remarkable resilience. 财产所有者Alison Baker和Paul Williams在Currowan大火中失去家园和结构,他们按照严格的消防标准重建了自己的财产。 Property owners Alison Baker and Paul Williams, who lost their home and structures in the Currowan firestorm, have rebuilt their property to stringent fire standards. 尽管气候变化和极端天气事件不断带来挑战,但社区仍然团结一致,对未来持乐观态度。 Despite facing ongoing challenges from climate change and extreme weather events, the community remains united and optimistic about the future.