泰国警方在曼谷的一个政党逮捕了31人,查获甲基安非他明、摇头丸和氯胺酮。 Thai police arrested 31 at a Bangkok party, seizing methamphetamine, ecstasy, and ketamine.
泰国警方拘留了124人,其中多数是男子,他们穿着内裤在曼谷一个以毒品为燃料的聚会上发现,其中31人因持有甲基安非他明、摇头丸和氯胺酮等毒品而被捕。 Thai police detained 124 people, mostly men, found in their underwear at a drug-fueled party in Bangkok, with 31 arrested for possession of drugs like methamphetamine, ecstasy, and ketamine. 这一事件凸显了泰国作为非法贩毒主要枢纽的作用,在泰国,拥有这种毒品可导致长达10年的监禁。 This incident highlights Thailand's role as a major hub for illegal drug trafficking, where possession of such drugs can lead to up to 10 years in jail. 联合国报告,去年东亚和东南亚的甲基苯丙胺缉获量创纪录190吨。 The UN reported a record 190 tonnes of methamphetamine seized in East and Southeast Asia last year.