一名泰国男子因涉嫌参与数百万美元诈骗案在曼谷被捕。 A Thai man has been arrested in Bangkok on suspicion of involvement in a multi-million dollar fraud.
一名来自清迈的男子 Raweeroj 在曼谷被捕,原因是他涉嫌欺骗一名珠宝商向他支付 2200 万泰铢,以换取美国支付的 2000 亿泰铢。 A man from Chiang Mai, identified as Raweeroj, has been arrested in Bangkok for allegedly deceiving a jewelry trader into paying him 22 million baht in exchange for a $200 billion baht payment from the United States. Raweeroj 于 2022 年 11 月 28 日根据曼谷南法院发出的逮捕令被捕。 Raweeroj was arrested under a warrant issued by the South Bangkok Court on November 28, 2022. 这名商人被骗给了他 2200 万泰铢以换取付款。 The trader had been tricked into giving him 22 million baht in exchange for the payment.